The Benefits of Pond Aeration

One of the most common questions we get asked at our Pond Hobby nursery & shop is regarding pond aeration. Whether they are new or existing customers, this question seems to come up all the time. So here is everything you need to know about aerating your pond.

Many pond keepers will face issues with aeration, especially when we enter into the summer months. When your pond starts to heat up and receive more sunshine, certain organisms like algae will increase their growth and use up extra oxygen. Even during the night, the algae will consume oxygen directly, just like a normal plant would. This is particularly an issue for Koi Fish keepers.

A lack of oxygen is one of the biggest, hidden problems that can cause so many other problems in your pond. Ponds without aeration will usually face problems associated with the water chemistry (Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates, Phosphorus and Hydrogen Sulfide). By increasing the levels of oxygen in your pond, your fish will thank you as they enjoy the water movement and your pond will become a well-balanced ecosystem that can only be good for your fish, your pond and your plants.

Adding more oxygen to your pond isn't difficult, thankfully, you can add oxygen in very elegant ways, for example, having a water feature (waterfalls or fountains) or having a variety of pond plants (check out our previous blog post). However, the easiest way and most efficient method of adding oxygen to a pond is to install a dedicated aeration pump. At Pond Hobby we stock a ride range of Oase and Pontec aeration pumps in various sizes.

While you can still use a water feature to aerate your pond, a typical water feature such as a waterfall or fountain isn’t as effective as they will only circulate the top portion of your ponds water leaving many areas below the surface untouched. A good-sized pond air pump works from the bottom up to make sure all the areas of your pond are circulated with dissolved oxygen.

If you’re considering adding an air pump to your pond, or have any questions, you can always contact us.


Pond Chemistry


Pond Filtration - How to choose the right Filter for your pond.